Wednesday, October 12, 2016

LESSON 18: Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

What is educational media center?
 · Is a place where audio-visual materials and equipment for instructional support were housed.
· It provides a venue for multimedia learning for a more effective instructional process in school.
The Educational Media Center is a unit indispensable to the teacher-training programs of the College. It provides the following services to the faculty, staff and students of the College: audio and/or video media materials recording services, production services, basic repair services, and consultant service on effective media utilization. 

To do its job, the Center has a collection of audio-visual facilities including cassette tape recorders, slide/tape recorders and projectors, film and film strip projectors, overhead and opaque projectors, video camera and other production hardware and equipment. For the most part, the Center serves as a laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Educational Technology courses. 

The mission of the Educational Media Center (EMC) is to provide quality support for teaching and learning through the integration and use of technology

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Responsibility of Media Specialist in Education

· Plan instructional programs
·  Share information about resources and search strategies
· Help with the operation of a peace of Help with the operation of a peace of equipment
· Suggest specific resources for a particular unit particular unit
· Provide conducive learning environment
Basic Services of Educational Media Center

· Accessibility of Resources
· Collection
· Reference
· Instruction
· Production
· Consultation
}  An EMC is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school.
}  It is a basic requirement for a school to render quality service.

                   Resulta ng larawan para sa Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

It serves a myriad of roles, among which are:

1. Center of resources- in it, different forms of communication and their accompanying technology organized and housed for easy accessibility and use.
2. Laboratory for learning- it provides materials which will enrich and implement the curriculum. 
3. Agent of teaching- it teaches students how to find information.
4. Service agency- all procedures are established as the basis of service to students and teachers.
5. Coordinating agency- it serves as central depository for various forms of media.
6. Recreational reading center- it provides a variety of recreational materials to fulfill the current needs of the range of interest and abilities for the students.
7. A stepping stone to other resources of the community- it introduces the students to the resources available in other community resource centers.

                        Resulta ng larawan para sa Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

What must an EMC have to be a functional EMC?

The evaluation questions for a functional EMC (Lucido&Borabo, 1997) give the following elements.
1. The institutional media service.
 Is the administration committed to a media program?
Is the program of media services administered by a media specialist through media center? 
 Is the center operating at the same level as other major institutional services of the school?
 Are there clearly defined policies, procedures and plans for short, medium and long term coverage?
 Is the center provided with appropriate facilities, finances(a regular budget) and staff(both technical and clerical)?  
Is the center capable of giving media and/or educational media technology advises/assistance to the faculty?

                                   Resulta ng larawan para sa Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

2. Media and instruction.
 Are the faculties encouraged to use media as an integral part of instruction?
Are classrooms equipped and/or adapted for the best possible use of educational media?
Is the media center accessible to all classroom and lecture/conference room?
Is there educational media technology information dissemination?
Is there a proper cooperation between faculty and the professional media staff in the planning, developing and using media for instructions?
In particular, are faculty members assisted by the media center staff in analyzing teaching needs and in designing, selecting and using educational media to meet these needs?
Is there an adequate storage, filling and retrieval/borrowing system for instructional hardware and software/materials?
 Is the center capable of technical operations relating to technical assistance, equipment repair and cleaning, continuous upgrading facilities?
Is there a capability for production of graphics, audio visual and other media materials for instruction?
3. Classroom facilities.
Are classrooms designed for and provided with essential facilities for effective use of educational media?
Specifically, are classrooms equipped for full light control, electrical outlets, appropriate ventilation and media operation spaces.
 Are classrooms equipped with a bulletin board, chalkboard, projection screen, map rails, etc. for instruction using media? 

4. Media program.
 Are there clear-cut administration policies on the media program?
 Is there an adequate source/system of funding?
Is there appropriate hiring of media center supervisions, creating and technical personnel, consultants and clerical staff?

                       Resulta ng larawan para sa Roles and Functions of an Educational Media Center

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