Wednesday, October 12, 2016

LESSON 17: Assessment in a constructivist, a technology-supported Learning


-It is the process of making some evaluation; the act of assessing.


                  Resulta ng larawan para sa Assessment in a constructivist, a technology-supported Learning

Constructivist theory  is a theory to explain on how knowledge is constructed in the human being when information comes into contact with existing knowledge that has been developed by experiences. Constructivism as a theory of learning has  existed for over one hundred years but has no been widely accepted or applied in public schools.this theory is just a posed of behavioral theory. 


                     Resulta ng larawan para sa Assessment in a constructivist, a technology-supported Learning

It is used to encourage students especially in facilitating student centered  learning activities. It is more than technology enhance instruction. It recognizes that learning is supported in many different ways, even if there is no formal teaching involve.

Students study and learn based on the way they are tested. The type of assessment anticipated appears to influence how and what they learn. therefore, the quickest way to change the way students learn is to change the way learning is assessed.

 In a technology-supported classroom, the student learns from and with the technology. Technology is seen as a source of information that the students learn from in the same way that the teacher are the source of information.. the students master facts from the concepts from technology and with the aid of technology.

           It is said that traditional-paper-and pencil are not adequate to assess learning in a constructivist technology supported learning.  In assessing student learning we only not depend on the skills they have(process-oriented performance based) but also for the output which is the (product-oriented performance based) assessment. With the help of the scoring rubrics which contain the criteria and the levels of performance we  can smoothly assess their performance.

                                       Resulta ng larawan para sa Assessment in a constructivist, a technology-supported Learning

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