Thursday, October 13, 2016

Resulta ng larawan para sa example of time chartVisual symbols come in many forms-drawing, cartoons, strip drawing(comic strip), diagram, map, chart, graph. For these visual symbols to be at your finger tips, you ought to be skilled at making them. The collection, preparation and use of these various visual symbols depend to a great extent on your own resourcefulness and creativity. They may be used in different ways and in different phases of the lesson depending on your purpose. If you use them skillfully, your classroom may turn into a beehive of busy students.
You may not realize it. But with visual symbols alone, you have an array of teaching materials to choose from. If you decide and commit yourself to using one visual symbol for every lesson, you will keep your teaching crispy and fresh. Only that this requires more preparation and more learning on your part.You must learn how to draw, sketch, make diagrams, graphs, the charts and some diagrams. you have to know what software to use and of course how to manipulate the computer.
Visual symbols come in many forms-drawing, cartoons; strip drawing (comic strip), diagram, map, chart, and graph.
Image result for edtech 1 lesson 13
Drawing-may not be the real thing but better to have a concrete visual aid than nothing. To avoid confusion, it is good that our drawing is correctly represents the real thing.

Resulta ng larawan para sa example of time chart
                     Resulta ng larawan para sa example of drawing

Cartoons-another useful visual symbol that can bring novelty to our teaching. A first-rate cartoon tells its story metaphorically. The perfect cartoon needs no caption. The less the artist depends on words, the more effective the symbolism. The symbolism conveys the message. Cartoons easily collect for instruction, they appear often in newspapers and magazines.

                                     Resulta ng larawan para sa example of cartoon

Strip drawing-in instruction can serve as motivation and a starter of your lesson. It can also give as an activity for students to express insights gained at the conclusion of a lesson.

                             Resulta ng larawan para sa example of strip drawing

Charts-is a diagrammatic representation of relationships among individuals within an organization.
Examples of Charts
-Time Chart
-Tree or Stream Chart
-Flow Chart
-Organizational Chart
-Pareto Chart
-Gannt Chart

Resulta ng larawan para sa example of diagram             

Resulta ng larawan para sa example of flowcharts            Resulta ng larawan para sa example of organizational chart

Types of Graphs
-Pie or Circle Graph
-Bar Graph
-Graphic Organizer

   Resulta ng larawan para sa example of pie graph                            Resulta ng larawan para sa example of bar graph

Maps-is a “representation of surface of the earth or same parts of it” (Dale, 1696?)
Kinds of Maps
-Physical Map
-Relief Map
-Commercial Map

POSTER- poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface.Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork.


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